When your hosting service provider supplies live chat support, you'll be able to talk with a representative in real-time and find out helpful information or get a problem resolved promptly. The key advantage of using chat compared to calling to talk with a live person is that you'll need just a computer with web access, so that you won't pay any charges in the event that you're in another country or state. Furthermore, it is much simpler to copy and paste information like domains, usernames or error messages in other words details which are sometimes difficult to give to the other party over the phone. The live chat is also a much faster approach to contact the website hosting provider's support team in comparison to using a ticketing system. Last, but not least, in case some issue requires more time to be taken care of, you are able to do something else while you wait for guidance on the live chat, so that you won't waste time - something that's not possible when you are on the phone.

Live Chat Support in Shared Hosting

As we believe that a lot of situations can be resolved when you chat with a live person, we offer a live chat service for all our prospective and existing customers. Our chat is accessible every single day and our customer care representatives will assist you with a wide range of questions and issues. In case you are not our customer yet, you can learn more about our shared hosting packages and the hosting environment in general so as to make sure that your web sites will function properly on our servers. In case you already have an account and you have some questions or you experience any issues with some of our solutions, you can join us on our live chat and we can supply you with the necessary details or assist you to troubleshoot the issue. You'll have to open a support ticket for specific problems which require more time or the assistance of a sysadmin, still for a number of basic problems you will receive help right away.