The service uptime for every shared hosting account is of essential importance. If you are using a server that has chronic issues and your website is not available for long periods of time, it is more likely that website visitors won't return. Assuming you have an online store, for example, it will mean lost clients smaller profit. Your internet sites can even get penalized by search engines with lower rankings regardless of how good their content is. To avoid this kind of scenario, always ensure that the hosting service you get is stable. In this way, the success of your website will depend only on its content and your advertising campaigns and won't be affected by hosting-related aspects that you've got no control of.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Shared Hosting

With a shared hosting account from our company, you'll be able to enjoy 99.9% server uptime. We've basically eradicated the downtime because we use a state-of-the-art cloud hosting platform and we don't run everything on just one web server as most providers do. Instead, we run each and every service on an individual group of servers, so your files, email messages, databases, etcetera, will be managed by separate web servers. This way, we're able to also balance the load way more efficiently and ensure the stable performance of your Internet sites at all times. The availability of the servers is guaranteed by a few backbone Internet providers and diesel backup generators, so your websites will be functioning no matter what. We also have experts overseeing the servers round the clock, which includes weekends and holidays, and they will take care of any surprising problem which could show up.