Every time you upload information on a web hosting server, it will take some storage space on the hard disk dependent on its particular overall size. In the event that you have a script-driven website which stores its information in a database, it will need more space, the more people work with it. For instance, in the event that you have a message board, the more comments people write, the bigger the database shall get. Emails, particularly ones having attachments, also require some space in the site hosting account. The disk space quota that you receive with any shared hosting supplier is the total amount of information you can have at any given moment, and this includes website files, e-mail messages plus databases. Similarly, a PC has a hard disk and the programs installed on it in addition to all of the docs or music files that you make or download take some storage space, which can't surpass the total capacity of the hard drive.

Disk Space in Shared Hosting

All our shared hosting plans were created with the idea that lack of disk space shouldn't be a thing that can stop the development of your websites. That is why we have taken an approach which is distinct from the one that most web hosting providers use - instead of just creating all the accounts on one server and eventually running out of storage space, we employ a cloud hosting platform where the storage is taken care of by an entire group of servers. Thus, we're able to install more machines in case they are needed and more hard drives, in order to offer you extra disk space for all of the files of our users. Different clusters take care of your emails and the databases, thus not only is it possible to develop your websites not worrying about hdd space, but also all of the servers will operate faster and better owing to the fact that every service has its own storage space and a single server doesn't handle various types of files.