The monthly traffic characteristic, that is at times also referred to as bandwidth or info transfer, identifies the total amount of data that can be uploaded to your shared hosting account and downloaded from it each month. The website traffic is produced mainly by web site visits - every time somebody loads your web site, the web pages they view are downloaded from the hosting server to his / her computer or smartphone and they're displayed by the browser. What counts for the site traffic produced is the size of these pages, hence the more website visitors you have for some period of time, the more web site traffic will be produced. In addition to the site visits, file uploads will also be counted towards the entire monthly transfer i.e. any time you upload web site content or other files using a file manager or an FTP software, they'll also generate some website traffic. The counter resets on the very first day of every month and it is not related to the date you have registered and the date you have renewed your website hosting package.

Monthly Traffic in Shared Hosting

All our shared hosting were designed with the idea to take care of the website traffic generated by any type of web site that can run in such an account. If you own one or multiple small-scale or medium-sized web sites, you won't be limited by the monthly traffic quota whatever the content you may have - plain text or many images, for instance. The statistics in the hosting Control Panel gives you comprehensive details about the site traffic generated by each and every website as well as the total amount for the account in general. The stats are updated in real time and show both the daily and the monthly usage, thus you will be aware of how much information is transferred to and from the website hosting account at any time. The first day of each month your counter is reset, but you will be able to see the traffic stats for the past months, which will give you an idea how your sites perform.